Best Spine Surgeon in Vadodara

Top Spine Doctor in Vadodara

 Dr. Vivek is Leading Best Spine Surgeon in VadodaraNowadays, backpain is getting common amongst people. In this cases it is always advisable to consult a physician and go through some therapies and oral treatments for getting better. 

But in some cases there might be some severities like Pinal deformity, spinal infections, trauma, spine tumors and some degenerative spine conditions, such as stenosis and herniated disks, which may require surgery.

These kinds of treatments are performed by spine surgeons. which will include incision along the backbone. Dr. Vivek is one of the most famous Spine Surgeon in Vadodara. who has an experience of 20 years and has treated many patients.

Spine Surgeon in Vadodara

Type of fractures

Pre-Care for the Spine Surgery

Usually, the doctor will inform about the pre care procedure depending upon patient to patient. However, general measures that need to be taken care off should be the physical examinations which doctor will write and give prior. In certain cases, a neurologist or other physician depending on the complication will be consulted for have a less complicated surgery.

In case of some patients, wherein they are allergic to some medication or line of treatment, a separate path would be customized keeping in mind the comfortability of the patient. The doctor would leave no bar for any complication to arise. Direction about eating and drinking would be directed by the doctor prior to the surgery. Therefore, its better to consult the Best Spine Surgeon in Vadodara.

Procedure for Spine Surgery

This surgery involves a smaller insertion of a tube to work on spine with minimal surgical instruments involved. These techniques also reduce risk for complication and helps to recover early. There are other techniques to perform this surgery like Robotic spine surgery, Minimally invasive techniques or open (traditional) spine surgery procedure. These latest facilities re available with

Dr. Vivek Parikh at Adicura Multispeciality Hospital, who considered one of the Best Spine Doctor in Vadodara.