Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Vadodara

Joint Repalcement Surgery

  • Normal joint surface is lined by smooth surface made up of cartilage. In arthritis this cartilage gets damaged and smooth surface gets rough that lead to pain and stiffness of the joint.
  • Arthritis may be due to wear and tear with age progression (primary osteoarthritis ), after injury / fracture /dislocation of  the joint( post traumatic arthritis) or due to systemic inflammation or disease (rheumatoid disease, other inflammatory arthritis) and  infection (tuberculosis,bacterial).
  • Arthritis can involve any joint of the body depending on the lifestyle and systemic disease. Most common joint involved in the arthritis are hip, knee, shoulder, elbow and ankle and thumb joint.
  • Treatment of arthritis includes conservative treatment with life style modification, weight reduction, oral medication, physiotherapy and biological treatment (PRP,stem cells). In some cases, in the younger patient with early stages of arthritis realignment procedures(osteotomy) can be done. When all these modalities don’t work then patient is advised for joint replacement surgery for pain relief and normal life restoration.
  • Joint replacement surgery have been started 70 years back. Till date million of people have undergone joint replacement surgery with excellent results. With recent advance in technology, surgery can be done with great accuracy and precision for the rapid recovery. With improvement in the material quality , the life span of replaced joint has singnificantly increased so we can perform the surgery even in the younger patient.


Joint replacement involves the resurfacing of the joint by removing the damaged articular surface and replacing it with metal and special plastic component which is fixed with the bone by using cement or without cement. The surrounding muscles ,tendons and ligaments are preserved for stability.

If you are suffering from any form of arthritis, your pain and stiffness is not controlled by conservative modalities (physotherapy,medicines)then you should undergo joint replacement surgery .

Due to advance technique of muscle sparing approach ,Pain after surgery is minimal. Still Doctor will give combination of medication to control the pain. pain will gradually diminish with time and physiotherapy.

 Basic physiotherapy is started according to your replacement surgery to prevent the stiffness and make you mobile early. Follow the physiotherapy instruction to regain pain free full movement  and built your strength  to perform daily activity.

Commonly metal components are made of cobalt chrome/ titanium/ceramic The plastic component are made of highly cross linked polyethelyne material for longetivity. The surface of the componenet are smooth or specially coated.

Routinely patient will be discharged in 3-5 days depending on the surgery,  progression recovery, patient comfort level  and general condition.

With our minimal invasive technique, the damage to the surrounding soft tissue is minimal, so you don’t require prolong physiotherapy after surgery. As you are suffering from arthritis for long time, the strength of the surrounding muscle is reduced significantly. To build up strength in those wasted muscles physiotherapy is required for 3-4 weeks period that will help in your routine daily activity and also improves your balance.

  • Stich removal – after 12-18 days after surgery
  • Shower- Don’t soak the dressing with water. you can take shower after removal of stiches. Gently pat the skin over incision dry and don’t rub skin after stich removal.
  • Driving- depending on the recovery you may be allowed driving car after 3 -6 months. Two wheeler driving is not allowed for 9-12 months. you are allowed to travel in the car after 6 -8 weeks. You can fly after 6 weeks in airplane with required certificate.
  • Sitting cross leg and squatting should be avoided till you are advised by doctor.
  • Resuming work – you should be required to take at least 4-6 weeks of rest from the work. After that you can join the light duty work.
  • Use high sit toilet and chairs and install handrails along stairs and in bathroom for support
  • Remove loose carpet and electric cord to prevent fall
  • If you feel excessive pain, large swelling, high grade fever or pus discharge from the surgical area, you should immediately contact your doctor.
  • If you fall and get injury around the operated joint, you should call the doctor urgently.